Thursday 31 March 2016

Yeti - the mysterious creature

You all have been heard about Yeti. Yeti is a hairy ape like creature. It is taller than an average human. It's dwelling place is Himalaya Mountains of Nepal , India, Tibet & Bhutan. Yeti is also known as abominable snowman and Bigfoot. It is believed that Yeti's were the guardians of the mountains. The story of Yeti is deeply rooted in the Nepali culture. Yeti is a Tibetan name. In English yeti means Rock bear. Even Alexander the great demanded to see this creature in 326 bc when he came to conquer the Indus valley. Till now we have heard about only few encounters with yeti. In 1889 British army major L.A Waddel claimed finding an unusual footprints. In 1900s with the arrival of western climbers that strange sightings began to reported on regular basis. In 1925 , a greek photographer on his expedition saw a yeti from the distance of 200 to 300 yards.The elevation was 15,000 feet .He was a learned man and at that time he was working with royal geographical society . While coming down they found footprints of that creature which were huge in size and clear too.
In 1950 Nepali government issued a yeti hunting license for the rather bold sum of $625m. In 1953 Sir Edmund hillary and Tenzing also reported to see large footprints on their Mount Everest expedition . In 1986 one south tryolen mountaineer claimed to have face to face encounter with this legend. He also wrote a book MY QUEST FOR THE YETI.  In 2008 Japanese climbers also claimed to see the footprints of yeti which were 8 inches long. Recently Chinese scientists announced their own 1 million dollars expedition in order to find yeti. Sherpas believe that yeti will show himself only to those who believe in it. Now a days you can see yeti as a fictional character in movies and in video games too. Well believe it or not but you can hear so many stories related with this legend from Sherpas and Nepalis people.

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